February Favourites

It seems as though February is finishing before it even began, but I’ve still managed to try out some new things. For me, February has been all about boosting my mood and getting a grip on my life. So this is an eclectic mix of the little things I’ve bought or become invested in that have made my February that little bit better.

The Body Shop Himalayan Charcoal Mask 


You always feel like your life is a little more together in the moment you wash off a face mask and feel like a new person. This mask claims to purify and reveal a glow to your skin. Although it feels a bit tingly and stiff when on the face, it definitely lives up to it’s hype (a plethora of 5 star reviews) once you’ve taken it off. This was a really nice mid-week treat, allowing me to channel Shrek-chic for about 10 minutes. Somebody once told me, the world is gonna roll me, so you’ve got to do a face mask from time to time.


Yes, I am now officially an adult. I’ve been enjoying creating different boards for decor ideas, recipes and career motivation. I can totally pin my way to becoming a better, more accomplished person. I promise.

Minimalist Posters


I suppose they can’t really be described as minimalist, but I feel that best explains the monochrome, lowkey vibe of these new posters. I’m still awaiting some frames and some help putting them on the wall, but I can’t wait to put them up.

Giving Compliments 

We always think them, but we never say them. Most people like receiving them and it feels nice to make someone smile. So why don’t we say it?


Yes, I am now officially an adult. I’ve been enjoying creating different boards for decor ideas, recipes and career motivation. I can totally pin my way to becoming a better person. I promise.

Happy Music 

My friends all know I am the ultimate sad song lover, but creating a happy spotify playlist has really helped with boosting my mood. Maybe I need to change the poster I bought to ‘Spotify is a powerful thing, when you fill it with positive tunes…’

Check out my happy music playlist here. I will not apologise for the cheesiness.


eco tan

My skin tone can probably best be described as grey-alabaster and whilst some improved skincare has livened it up a little, it’s still almost reflectively pale. So – at risk of proving my friends who wrongly think I’m from North of the bridge right and fulfilling a full Essex girl prophecy – I’ve been trying out some light tanning. I usually apply this a couple of times a week and it’s really easy to put on because it’s clear and not too rich; pretty much fool proof (which is definitely a requirement for me). It doesn’t give a super dark colour, but it does give a nice glow to your skin. Plus it’s vegan and cruelty-free.


Why Magazines Will Never Go Out Of Style

Any statistics will tell you that print publishing is on the decline, with magazines struggling to meet circulation figures they achieved effortlessly just seven years ago. For obvious reasons, digital and online publishing is becoming the go-to for most media companies. Monthly magazines easily fall behind on current trends and cannot gratify our modern society with real-time information, so it makes sense to take advantage of what digital can offer. However, there is still a place in my heart for reading a magazine cover to cover. This isn’t a pretentious ‘print magazines along with old-fashioned broadsheets are the authentic form of media ever’ article, just why I think they still have a place.

My love affair with magazines began from a young age, when I stole my Mum’s Cosmopolitan and weekly magazines to read on the beach. I liked to play games with my mum and sister where we’d pick out our favourite outfits on the page, and as an avid reader, I devoured every feature. I suppose I saw magazines as more than disposable entertainment. To me now they are a collection of important things in a cultural moment. Hence why my mum recently had to force me to throw out my collection from five years ago. “But what if I need that article on advice about lipstick in Spring 2008?”…

The magic of magazines for me is that they are a unified creation. From the pictures, to the words to how the articles look on the page, I love dissecting each part in my head and seeing them as an art form. I suppose I like magazines because they do the exact opposite of digital content. They aren’t as fast-paced, but that also means they aren’t as disposable. I cherish a print magazine more, from the cover to the lustrous fashion images.

Reading a magazine isn’t something I do to stay up to date on the world, it’s to gain an insight into other lives. It’s to explore other ways of living, dressing and behaving. For example, when I sit down to read Vogue magazine, I gain an insight into a different sort of life. One that is miles away from my own, where the houses cost millions and the fashion isn’t exactly cheap either. In a way, it’s an indulgent act. Aside from high-fashion, when you read an article about changing your career in Cosmopolitan, you get a taste of the person you could be if you were living your dream career. To me, reading a magazine is in part, reflecting on yourself. I talk a lot about aspirational acts on this blog, as I believe a lot of fashion is, but magazines definitely fit into this narrative as well. Moreover, women’s magazines are an important way to declare a female voice. They stand as a specifically female title, which allow women freedom when it comes to fashion, sex and lifestyle. Which can only be a good thing.

Furthermore, buying your favourite magazine is investing in a brand and curating the trust you have with that brand. For example, if your favourite magazine recommends a certain hair serum, you’re more likely to buy it than seeing a fleeting Instagram post about it. Humans love habits and routines, so we become invested in regular columns and features in our favourite publications. Reading our best-loved magazine is a habitual escape from reality.

I know I may be getting left behind by the media world, which marches on with online content, but I still subscribe to magazines and enjoy the excitement of them arriving on my doorstep. Some parts of my bedroom may look like a hairdresser’s waiting room, but that’s how I like it. They make commuting a bearable, too, so they must have some sort of magic.

Breaking The Habit

People say it takes just under a month to break a habit, which means you’ve still got enough time this year to break 10 bad habits and comfort zones you put yourself in. I know, dramatic start. But the point is on its way, I promise. The past few months I’ve been trying to push myself out of my comfort zone in a lot of areas of my life and I think it’s been a great decision. I think we often get caught up in this image we have of ourselves and limit ourselves to what we would ‘usually do’, but the most exciting things happen when we change that. I guess it comes back to the saying ‘you can’t do the same thing and expect different results’. Sometimes I think trying things you aren’t sure of is the best thing you can do. I recently read ‘The Power of Habit’ by Charles Duhigg (which I would definitely recommend if you’re a self-help/understanding humans nerd like me) and it is honestly amazing how much of our lives comes down to pure habit. Some of these are good habits that keep us in check, like an exercise routine or the fact that you choose a salad on a Tuesday so you can have fries on a Friday. Some habits need to be mixed up if you want to make a change.

For example, when it comes to clothes I think people often develop a personal style, which is great. But I also think it can be limiting. The past few years my fashion has been restricted to a standard all-black crop top and skirt/short combo. Because of insecurities I’ve avoided wearing trousers or anything slightly different. But it’s been really freeing to push past those insecurities and try some new things out. I’ve been walking into shops and picking out things I would usually dismiss with a deflated ‘oh that just looks good on the model, it won’t look good on me’. I think that mindset can be really damaging and forces you to constantly think of yourself negatively and limit yourself to what you’re used to. There is a whole world of fashion out there, go explore it people. Your legs don’t look fat in those trousers, and you don’t have to be tanned to wear that colour.

I get caught up in habits that go beyond fashion as well. I develop an exercise routine that I don’t stray from, but then I try a new class and really enjoy it. Sometimes you have to wonder, isn’t all this routine just an exercise in self-sabotage? Which might be a bit dramatic, because routines can be really useful. But the point I’m trying to make is to not become a prisoner to your own routine or self-image. The old saying ‘don’t knock it until you try it’ comes to mind. I’m not going to list all of the new things I’ve tried, but I just wanted to give some examples to show that little changes are something you can incorporate.

This isn’t to say you need to undergo a complete reinvention, but sometimes shaking things up can be really exciting. Even if it’s just trying out a new gym class or listening to a new kind of music. It’s not until you look back that you realise how much has changed just by trying something new every now and then. The past few months I’ve become someone who wears colour, listens to a wider range of music and tried out short hair (and promptly decided I looked quite soccer mom). But the point is I’ve tried and I think there’s been a lot to gain from just ignoring your comfort zone and doing what you want to do.



Favourites: January Edition

I thought that a blog post where I share little things that I like would be a nice idea. So I’ve decided to post one each month. They could be anything that springs to mind, and it’s always good to reflect on things you like and enjoy having from time to time.

YCL Jewels

YCL Jewels

I’ve been wearing this jewellery pretty much constantly for about a year and get quite a lot of people asking about it. It’s not cheap but it’s also not insanely expensive, considering the amount of wear I get out of it. It’s delicate enough to be able to wear all of the time but still adds something to an outfit. I like layering them up with longer gold body jewellery and a plunge-neck top/dress. I currently have the constellation choker (which was gifted to me for my Graduation) and the Amulet necklace, but after looking on the website again, more have been added to my wishlist…

Non-Fiction Books 



After spending 3 years at University reading and writing fiction full-time, it’s been good to take a break from it. I’ve been reading books like The Power of Habit and Inside Vogue, which is Alexandra Shulman’s (former Editor of Vogue) diary of Vogue’s 100th year. The good thing about non fiction is you feel as though you are gaining more knowledge, and it isn’t always as emotionally-invested as Fiction.



I’ve been getting into a bit of a rhythm with my decluttering and will probably make a separate blog post on this. Even though I have a long way to go, my family have been curating a pile of stuff we never use to take to a boot fair at some point and I’ve been doing pretty well at systematically working through my stuff. I’ve still got to conquer my wardrobe, but I have thrown out about 40 pairs of tights (I’m not going to sell those, don’t worry) and so much junk I never use. I’m not about to go full minimalist, but it does make your mind feel a lot clearer.


Travel Posters

I have been collecting these posters for a couple of years now and I think they add a really nice retro vibe to my bedroom . Whenever I get back from visiting a new place, I look on Amazon and Ebay for them and they are really affordable, only around £3 each. I’ve been looking for a more aesthetic way to display them and think that whenever I get my own place, they’d look really nice in frames.



Early Starts 

It’s become a bit of a joke amongst my friends and family that I’m 21 going on 80, but the truth is I do like an early night and to wake up early. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a night out (as long as I get at least week to recuperate afterwards…just kidding, sort of). I found that going to bed late was taking a toll on not only my energy in the day, but my mental health in general. Waking up earlier means I have more time to get ready for my day, because I hate feeling rushed, and sometimes means I tick stuff off of my to do list early on.

2018 Diary 

I recently bought this Paperchase Diary  in gold and I’ve been committing myself to actually using it. I couldn’t tell you the amount of money I’ve probably wasted on diaries I haven’t used, but now I’m working I’ve really been finding it therapeutic to write everything down I have planned. Even if that is just a gym class or reminding myself to watch an episode on Netflix. 2018 is the year of clearing my head and this has definitely helped with that.


Almond Butter 

From the self-confessed Peanut Butter Queen, I may have been converted.


The Productivity Trigger Effect

As it is 2018, and this year is going to be a special one (apparently), it’s good to make some self-care investments that make you feel as though you have your life together. None of these are huge resolutions, they’re just little things that make you feel better about yourself. Just to clarify, I am not writing this in relation to mental illness and self care. I’ve just found these steps to be a manageable way of making myself feel better in let’s face it, a really crap time.

Now these are just some habits to start with but you might find that starting with the small makes everything else seem a little more manageable. You know that mood when you’ve done the bare minimum, like change the toilet roll, and you get in the mood to bleach the entire house and solve world peace? These steps are the changing of the toilet roll, the trigger to bigger and better things. Because THAT is a 2018 mood. So this post is about starting what I like to call the Trigger Effect and becoming a more productive individual.

1. Drinking water as soon as you wake up. This is something I do religiously as it really does make you feel so much more refreshed. Without sounding like an Instagram health guru, you really gotta stay hydrated and when you sleep you don’t drink anything for up to 8 hours. I like to see this as the trigger effect to feeling healthier…so I eat healthier and feel more inclined to exercise.


2. Paint nails regularly. Yes, when they chip. Now this is something I still have to implement because I am so lazy when it comes to my nails and I always manage to smudge them because I just *have* to have a snack as soon as I’ve done them. But when I do them, it always makes me feel better about myself.

3. Put away any extra pennies or change into a piggy bank. I’ve just started doing this and I’ve managed to amass around £30 so far. So if you buy a coffee or your a snack with a five pound note, put the change into a piggy bank and decide on something you want to save up for when it’s reached a worthy amount. Makes you feel like financial goddess, even though you’ll probably just save up for some boots. This is the trigger for managing money better because, in a weird way, even the smallest saving becomes addictive.

4. Declutter one step at a time. Thinking of decluttering your ENTIRE room is super overwhelming. But if you focus on one cupboard, or even one corner of a cupboard each weekend, you feel like you’re slowly making progress. If you’re super organised, you can sell stuff on eBay and Depop, but if not, even just throwing a load of old things into a bin bag is strangely therapeutic. Turns out those minimalists are sort of right when they say it makes your mind feel clearer. But that jacket that I wore when I was 14? Absolutely not, I’ll definitely wear that again.

5. Clear out your handbag/purse. We’re always guilty of hoarding receipts, food wrappers, pen lids, gift cards that are empty and pennies of the wrong currency and crumbs in the bottom of our handbags and purses. It only takes 5 minutes each weekend to clear it out and it makes it so much easier to find stuff. Oh yeah, there’s that lip gloss I’ve been looking for. Someone (probably) said once that a woman’s handbag is a glimpse into her mind….and you don’t want a mind full of crumbs and granola bar wrappers.

So let me know what the trigger effect does for you….